Pest Reports Available on Sacramento Valley Orchard Source Website

Photos: Sudan Gyawaly

Pest monitoring and scouting activities are integral to any pest management program. Trap catches and pest activity information collected during pest monitoring can be used to estimate pest pressure and the potential for crop damage. For many pests, trap catch information, such as the date of the first trap catch or the date of increased trap catches, are used as biofix dates to begin accumulating degree days to determine effective treatment timings. Pest management decisions, including treatment timings, should be based on data and observations specific to each orchard. Our team has started posting pest monitoring reports/updates for major walnut and almond pests for our region on the Sacramento Valley Orchard Source website. Information provided in the report is intended for reference purposes only and does not replace or supersede your orchard site-specific pest activity and abundance data. Use data and observations specific to your orchard for optimal pest management decision support. People interested in our regional reports can access them by visiting the website and clicking the Pest Reports tab, or directly at:


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