Healthier Orchards with A Careful Start of Irrigation in 2023
A careful approach to irrigation in 2023 is one way to both save money and help ensure you have a healthy and productive orchard. Continue reading
Your source for orchard news & information in the Sacramento Valley
A careful approach to irrigation in 2023 is one way to both save money and help ensure you have a healthy and productive orchard. Continue reading
More details on the examples in “Healthier Orchards with A Careful Start of Irrigation in 2023.” Continue reading
Read this article for prune orchard management tasks to keep in mind in April. Continue reading
In the middle of a drought, there are several management practices that may improve the retention of limited water resources. Read ahead to learn how groundwater recharge, winter cover crops, organic matter, and tillage can affect your water conservation plan. Continue reading
Producers should strive to maintain sufficient tree water status to maintain any current crop-load as well as overall tree and orchard health to help support crops in the coming years. Spring freezes and reduced water supplies have significantly affected production. When considering late-season irrigation strategies for prune trees, both the current and following season’s crops must be considered. Continue reading
With 41 California counties officially in a drought emergency and water allocations significantly reduced in many areas, many growers and managers are stuck with less water than walnuts use for prime production levels. Read this article for more information about how to manage walnut irrigation in drought years. Continue reading
Record low temperatures on February 24 severely reduced nut set and limited almond yield across thousands of acres of orchards in the Sacramento Valley. The following are our best suggestions for irrigating to bring the remaining crop to market, and ensure good crop potential for next year. Continue reading
An April frost can have potentially devastating results. The last severe spring frost occurred in April 2008. During a frost event, there are many factors that influence whether or not frost damage will occur in a particular orchard. This article provides guidelines should a spring frost occur. Continue reading
Work continues at the Red Bluff mechanical pruning trial initiated in 2019, thanks to the California Prune Board. Continue reading
The 2021-2022 water year, which began on October 1st, got off to a promising start. Precipitation patterns brought snow to the mountains and rain to the valleys in amounts not seen for a few years. Unfortunately, a relatively dry January snapped us all out of dreams of a “normal” year and brought us back to our new (drier) reality. Continue reading
Prune prices to California growers are influenced by world production volume that can change, dramatically, from year to year. Read this article for recommendations about how to prepare for next year. Continue reading
Cankers caused by fungi of Cytospora spp. can severely limit prune production; reducing grower income and potentially leading to early orchard removal due to scaffold and/or tree loss. This article provides information about how to control Cytospora in your orchard. Continue reading
Read this article for prune orchard management tasks to keep in mind in October. Continue reading
Read this article for walnut orchard management tasks to keep in mind in September. Continue reading
Read this article for prune orchard management tasks to keep in mind in September. Continue reading