Webinario en Español: Protección Respiratoria

Fundamentales de la protección respiratoria en California y cómo continuar protegiéndose cuando no se puede conseguir algo. Es necesario registrarse antes del webinario. Registrarse aquí: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29992. Comuníquese con pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu para más información o encuentra más información a http://ipm.ucanr.edu/IPMPROJECT/workshops.html.

Webinar: Pesticides in Water (English)

What you can do to prevent contamination of ground and surface water when making pesticide applications. You must pre-register for this webinar. To register, visit https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29992. If you have questions about this event, please contact pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu or find more information … Continue reading

Pruning prunes: Long pruning during tree training

Online through Zoom

During this meeting we will discuss the UC research and grower experience with long pruning of prune trees during orchard establishment. Luke Milliron and Franz Niederholzer will present the UC research. Joe Turkovich and Erick Nielsen will present their innovative approaches to tree training from the grower perspective and then we will open it up to questions and discussion. 


Webinar: Label Reading (English)

Identify and understand label requirements that ensure safety for the pesticide handler, other employees, and bystanders. You must pre-register for this webinar. To register, visit https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29992. If you have questions about this event, please contact pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu or find more information … Continue reading

Webinario en Español: Mejores prácticas para mantener los pesticidas fuera del agua

Cómo evitar la contaminación del agua subterránea y superficial al hacer aplicaciones de pesticidas. Es necesario registrarse antes del webinario. Registrarse aquí: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29992. Comuníquese con pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu para más información o encuentra más información a http://ipm.ucanr.edu/IPMPROJECT/workshops.html.

Webinario en Español: Cómo Leer Etiquetas de Pesticidas para Hacer Aplicaciones Seguras

Identifique y comprenda los requisitos de la etiqueta para asegurar la seguridad del manipulador de pesticidas, otros empleados y espectadores. Es necesario registrarse antes del webinario. Registrarse aquí: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29992. Comuníquese con pesticidesafety@ucanr.edu para más información o encuentra más información a … Continue reading

Virtual 2021 Statewide Pistachio Day

Online through Zoom

Pistachio Day delivers the latest research-based production practices to prospective or current growers, production managers, and pest control consultants so they are better able to achieve their pistachio growing goals


2021 UCCE Sacramento Valley Almond Grower Meeting

Online through Zoom

2021 UCCE Sacramento Valley Almond Grower Meeting January 20, 2021 1:00-4:45PM Zoom Webinar 2.5 hrs of CE hours (“other”) requested 3.5 hours of CCA CE hours requested (2.5 PM, 0.5 SWM, and 0.5 CM) Agenda 1:00 PM Managing bacterial and … Continue reading

Virtual UCCE Statewide Walnut Day

Online through Zoom

UCCE Virtual Walnut Series February 16 and 17, 2021 | 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Pending Continuing Education Credits DPR - 3.0 hrs "Other" CURES - 0.5 hrs Nitrogen CCA - 3.0 Crop, 0.5 Soil and Water, 0.5 Nutrient, 0.5 Professional Development, … Continue reading

Virtual UCCE Statewide Prune Day

Online through Zoom

Virtual UCCE Statewide Prune Day Wednesday February 24, 2021 Held via Zoom Register here: Virtual UCCE Statewide Prune Day Registration - February 24 (ucanr.edu) Agenda: 8:30       Update on Laws and Regulations Butte County Ag Commissioner’s Office. 9:00       Update on New … Continue reading

California Cling Peach Day

Online through Zoom

Attend to hear presentations on fruit and leaf diseases, new varieties, tree spacing research, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, and mechanical harvesting trials. CEUs have been applied for.