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Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day 2022
May 10, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 12:15 pm
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
IN PERSON at the Nickels Soils Laboratory, Green Bay Road, Arbuckle, CA
Preliminary Agenda:
8:30 am — Registration
Coffee and Donuts provided by Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA
Cycle I: 9:20-10:45 am
1) Walnut rootstock trial for nematode management
Andreas Westphal, UC Riverside Extension Specialist
2) Navel orangeworm and codling moth control in walnuts.
Jhalendra Rijal, UC IPM Area Advisor, northern San Joaquin Valley
3) Leaffooted and stinkbug management in almond Sudan Gyawaly, UC IPM Associate Specialist, northern San Joaquin Valley
4) Phosphorus nutrition in young trees Phoebe Gordon, UCCE Orchard Systems Advisor, Madera and Merced Counties.
Cycle II: 10:45 am -12:10 pm
5) Walnut mold
Themis Michailides, UC Davis Plant Pathologist, UC Kearney
6) Cover crops for winter water capture
Vivian Wauters, UC Davis Plant Sciences Department
7) Irrigation technology update
Isaya Kisekka, Professor, UC Davis Department of Land, Air and Water
8) Self-fertile vs conventional almond plantings: 10 year review
Franz Niederholzer, UCCE Orchard Systems Advisor, Colusa and Sutter/Yuba Counties
12:15 pm – BBQ Tri-Tip Lunch by reservation.
————————Luncheon Topic/Speaker——————— Sites Reservoir update
Jerry Brown, Executive Director, Sites JPA
————————-Following lunch talk————————– GUSS robotic airblast sprayer Demonstration
Nickel’s Field Day is accompanied a voluntary BBQ tri-tip luncheon. Lunch cost is $20.00 (cash or check) and all proceeds received will benefit Pierce High School’s FFA Program.
1 hr PCA CE credits requested; 2.0 hours CCA CE credits (1.0 hr S&W Man, 1 hr IPM) requested
For a map, please follow the link below for more details and directions.
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