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Nickels Field Day
May 8, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
May 8th, 2018 from 8:30am – 1pm.
8:30 am — Registration
Coffee and Donuts provided by Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA
Cycle I: 9:20-10:45 am
1) Overview of navel orangeworm management
Dani Lightle, UCCE Advisor, Glenn/Butte/Tehama Counties
2) Band canker management
Themis Michailides, Plant Pathologist and Lecturer, UC Davis Plant Pathology Department
3) Frost protection in almonds
Joe Connell, Farm Advisor, UCCE Butte County (emeritus)
4) Almond flower biology
Tom Gradziel, Professor, UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences
Cycle II: 10:45 am -12:10 pm
5) Basic Bee Biology 101
Elina Niño, Extension Specialist, UC Davis Entomology and Nematology Department
6) Ceratocystis canker: diagnosis and management
Florent Trouillas, Extension Specialist, UC Davis Plant Pathology Department
7) Using real time physiological data to guide irrigation scheduling.
Tom Buckley, Professor, UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences
8) What are we learning from orchard biomass (chip and mix) studies?
Emad Jahanzad, Postdoctoral researcher, UC Davis Plant Sciences Department
12:15 pm – BBQ Tri-Tip Lunch $20.00/person at the door
Luncheon Speaker-Mark Jansen, President & CEO, Blue Diamond Growers
For lunch registration, please contact the Colusa county CE office at: 530-458-0570.
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