IPM Insect Update – August 15, 2016

University of California IPM Insect Update
Tehama County

Insect First Biofix Second Biofix Third Biofix Fourth Biofix Activity Moths/Day Avg. Deg. Days / Day Day Degrees from Biofix
Codling Moth 3/24 5/31 7/11 - .63 29.0 977
Oriental Fruit Moth 3/17 5/19 6/27 7/28 2.4 35.0 607
Peach Twig Borer 4/7 5/31 7/11 - .94 28.8 958
Navel Orangeworm Eggs 4/7 - - - .5 25.5 2444
San Jose Scale 3/21 - - - - 28.5 2925
Walnut Scale Crawlers 5/16 - - - - - -

  • In the walnut orchard we monitor, we now have 3 sprays on for WHF. Be careful – every orchard is different. Watch your traps and treat accordingly.
  • Additional Pest management information is available at the UC IPM website including a day degree calculator (http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu).

Richard P. Buchner and Cyndi K. Gilles
Orchard Advisor & Research Associate
UC Cooperative Extension Tehama County
(530) 527-3101

Thank you for our trap supplies!


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