Using Weekly Crop ET Reports – Gateway to Advanced On-Farm Water Management

This tutorial consists of a single video.  In it, we revisit briefly why we offer the weekly crop ET reports. It has been our experience that once growers and crop consultants become familiar with how to apply the weekly crop ET reports and associate them with specific irrigation system designs and soils, that often leads them to expand their interest and investment in on-farm water management tools. This tutorial introduces more advanced on-farm water management tools that are either available now or on the horizon. We consider advanced tools that include soil-water balance models, soil moisture sensors, and on-the-ground and aerial sensors of crop water status. We hope this provides on-farm water managers tools to look forward to adopting.

You can receive Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Continuing Education Credits for watching these videos, but to do so you must access them through the CDFA INMP portal, where you will also need to complete the post-video test. To simply watch for your own education, click the video links below.


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