Good Pressure Chamber Field Measurement Technique
Consistent technique helps improve the accuracy of stem water potential (SWP) measurements. Keep reading for tips on bagging, measuring, and properly determining the SWP endpoint. Continue reading
Your source for orchard news & information in the Sacramento Valley
Consistent technique helps improve the accuracy of stem water potential (SWP) measurements. Keep reading for tips on bagging, measuring, and properly determining the SWP endpoint. Continue reading
Continue to brush up on your pressure chamber technique with tips on selecting leaves for SWP measurement, weather conditions, and other FAQs. Continue reading
Visual cues of crop stress are among the most basic observations that can be used to manage irrigation in orchard crops. However, these cues can be somewhat subjective and are often expressed after plant stress is higher than desired. Measuring midday stem water potential (SWP) using a pressure chamber is a quantitative method for evaluating plant water status. Continue reading
Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Early Walnut Tree Training: Discuss early handling and training practices for different nursery products & Hands-on Pressure Chamber Workshop: Discuss using the plant-based pressure chamber for irrigation timing. Continue reading
The University of California Cooperative Extension invites fruit and nut crop producers to participate in a free training opportunity. This workshop will offer classroom teaching and field experience. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn to use a pressure chamber on different nut and fruit crops, work with different types of pressure chambers and learn about a new app that speeds up the monitoring process. Continue reading
Join Glenn County Walnut Field Day on June 09, 2022, from 8:30-11:30 AM. Growth and Yield Performance of Clonal ‘Paradox’ Walnut Rootstocks plus Hands-on Workshop: Using a Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Scheduling. Continue reading
Sutter County Walnut Field meeting Tuesday June 07, 2022 8:30 AM- Growth and yield performance of clonal ‘Paradox’ walnut rootstocks plus a hands-on workshop: Using a Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Scheduling.
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Join on Thursday, June 23, 2022 for an Irrigation Management demo 8:30-10:30 AM at CSU Chico University Farm. There will be a variety trial tour, pressure chamber demonstration, and new irrigation management technology discussion. Continue reading
Jaime Ott, UCCE Tehama, Shasta, Glenn, and Butte Counties With walnut prices modestly up, this is a good time to look at your orchard operation, grade sheets, and pest/disease challenges in the last few years and make a plan for … Continue reading
Almond growers are in a long tunnel of low prices and high costs. With volatile nut prices largely out of grower control, cost management and cost-effective yield improvements offer the best hope of maintaining headway and reaching the light. Continue reading
The three most important management decisions dictating fruit size and crop size (and therefore grower returns) are 1) cropload management, 2) irrigation, and 3) nutrient management (especially potassium). Continue reading
Over the past eight years, Sacramento Valley growers have encountered challenges managing Monterey almond trees: yellowed curled leaf, leafing failure, flowering failure, and Bot/Phomopsis dieback. Continue reading
Almond variety and rootstock selection is a quarter century investment. Evaluating the compatibility of different varieties and rootstocks together is critical to deciding whether a combination will be successful. Continue reading
If you haven’t already, look at your orchard operation: take some time to Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan. Read for an overview on resources on topics on spray calibration, sanitation, codling moth mating disruption, pests, and more. Continue reading
Excessive water, caused by rain, flooding, or even overirrigation, is a challenge for orchards and can cause two very different problems: waterlogging and Phytophthora infection. Given that we had bountiful rain this winter and orchards with standing water were common, continuous monitoring and collaboration with your PCA or farm advisor will be increasingly valuable. Continue reading